Tren Psychological Sides

I've heard of some emotional issues associated with Trenbalone but didn't think a whole lot of it. I've been cycling on and off of gear for 20 years now. Usually I run Nandralone or Equipoise with a Test base of course. Most recently I have come off of 600mg EQ, 600mg Test E per wk., and 40mg Dbol/day cycle that I ran for 6 months. I decided to switch up and run Tren Enanthate and keep the Dbol and Test E dosage the same. I'm usually partial to the slow acting esthers so I can do one injection a week. This was my first experience with Tren. Week one and two I ran 200mg Tren, then upped the Tren to 300mg for wk3. At the end of week 3, my emotions and mood were all over the place. The feelings I had were exaggerated: sadness, anger, even joy were at the extreme end of the spectrum.

It became obvious that I wasn't dealing with life the way I usually do. By week 3, the enanthate esther was releasing in full regale and I was emotional and unhappy to say the least. I'm better now that I understand what is happening but it took some adjustment. My question for you guys: how has/does Trenbalone affect your emotions and overall mood? How did you adjust to it if your mood was affected? And what doses do you guys run?

I have never experienced anything like this unless I'm running Clomid for PCT. I cannot run Clomid. I become a major league, miserable asshole and my initial Tren experience was comparable. Thoughts?


Well-known member
After about 8-10 wks on tren e I start getting weird in the head and indifferent towards life. Plus that’s about when the sweating get really bad. Depending on what I want out of it I run between 200 and 400/wk. If I drop it after 6 to 8 weeks I can escape mostly unscathed


Active member
Tren is strong stuff. It has like five times the affinity for binding to the androgen receptors as either testosterone or Dianabol. Basically tren just knocks them the fuck out of the way and they have nothing to do except aramotize to estrogen and create mischief and mood swings. I get along SO much better with 200mg week testosterone (you do need some) with 200-400mg Tren than I do with higher test (or d-ball) with Tren. The gains seem exactly the same, and with far less emotional sides for me.


Active member
Tren was my goto when I was 20 or so - I'd win shows I believe based not the fact I was on it IMO

but as I have gotten older nandrolones have a huge impact on my mental state - I ran deca again for shits and gigs over the winter and had the worst anxiety - I usually ran eq

I have started mast and added Winn instead of tren - had a much better experience

I am 40 now and I think some things just hit diff for me - I used to be on a lot of meds for my anxiety in the past but have been off everything for awhile - I just take dabs all the time now and Im g2g

but Tren and any nandrolone for that matter really affect my mood as Im older

I also read that tr.en has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and thus it starts to attach to androgen receptors in the brain - but it was the Russo kid so take that with a grain of salt


Well-known member
The way I describe Tren to non users is that it's like having a dark cloud over you all day long. I'm normally a very easy going, happy guy. I might have one bad day out of 7. But on Tren, I might have one good day out of 7 lol. Nowadays, I do well on 150-200mg/wk. I can see and feel it's there, but it doesn't rule over me.


Biker/Bowhunter Moderator
Staff member
It's all a mindset that you allow. If you're an ass hole then you're going to be a bigger ass hole on tren. I liked the aggressiveness it gave me but I knew that going in and didn't allow it to affect me. If someone fucked with me then that was different. You are in control if you choose to be............11


Well-known member
I think my tren makes me hold on to things. Shit I should just brush off or let go. I think it also causes me to talk to myself. Like man I should have smacked that stupid mother fucker. Or who the fuck do they think they are coming in here and demanding shit. Stuff I’d normally shrug off as asshole customers and not give another thought to.


Active member
I've noticed the same. The older I get, the bigger impact I notice nandrolones seem to have on my mental state. I thought it was just me.
Me too. Was just telling my buddy I may be done with nandrolones after one more NPP run. I also thought it was just me. They also aggravated a prior high bp. Love it but can’t stand my mental state. It’s right there with tren. Different but both make me a different person. Not worth it right now.


Active member
I think my tren makes me hold on to things. Shit I should just brush off or let go. I think it also causes me to talk to myself. Like man I should have smacked that stupid mother fucker. Or who the fuck do they think they are coming in here and demanding shit. Stuff I’d normally shrug off as asshole customers and not give another thought to.
BAAM, right on the head dead on.


Well-known member
I always said roid rage was a myth until I met Tren...

Tren is probably the ONLY aas that has legit grounds on why it should not be legal. EQ with low test gives me anxiety, but other than that, every aas either puts me in AMAZING moods or doesn't impact my mood at all.


Well-known member
Same here.
NPP will change my mental stage to the negative.

More proof on how we are all so different physiologically and there are too many individual variables for people to make so many generalizations.

NPP puts me in an amazing, positive, upbeat mood. But I have heard the opposite from others besides just yourself.

DHB absolutely wrecks my mood, too- not quite as bad as tren, but it does for sure. I have heard few others report this.


Well-known member
One of my best friends I preped last year who has run tren in the past... I turned him onto npp on the front of his prep for the first time. He doubled the dose I told him to take and ended up snapping on me. Throwing death threats an wildin out. Our relationship will never be the same.

We have never been in an argument prior for a decade.

I am fairly aggressive on npp. I've have plenty of out of pocket moments on it. I warned him about it and he didn't listen.


PCTShop Rep
Tren mental sides are no joke brother, you're right to be cautious. I think one of the defining characteristics of enhanced lifters - is how well we can tolerate the sides.


New member
When I was in my mid 20's I LOVED tren. Did just fine. I just turned 41. I can't last over 3 weeks at 200mg per week. 3 weeks ago I finished a 2 week run, and probably my last. I was in the worst moods of my life. Severe depression. Extremely severe. I've NEVER had that problem in my entire life. Thank god I was taking ace and it was clearing out of my system after a few days. Now Im back to normal happy go lucky.


Active member
Few guys on here advocate for very small dosages for effects without the negatives.

I will agree, road rage is a myth but tren has a tendency to erase that myth. I ran cut stacks and seemed to do OK but those were smaller dosages.

I more than likely will never touch the stuff again. Just not worth the possibilities.


Tren mental sides are no joke brother, you're right to be cautious. I think one of the defining characteristics of enhanced lifters - is how well we can tolerate the sides.
This right here^
Nothing worse than someone using it as an excuse to be an asshole all cycle. If you can't control yourself, you can't use big boy compounds