Sent cripto 0 confirmations


New member
Never had this happen before mycelium wallet it's coming up on 72 hrs 0 confirmations. Anyone delt with this and how do I get it back in my wallet to resend. Sent standard fee guess it was to low to he picked up on the chain. I heard after 72 hrs it gets dropped but like I said never had this happen.


Well-known member
Never had this happen before mycelium wallet it's coming up on 72 hrs 0 confirmations. Anyone delt with this and how do I get it back in my wallet to resend. Sent standard fee guess it was to low to he picked up on the chain. I heard after 72 hrs it gets dropped but like I said never had this happen.
This usually happens with too low a fee. Unless you sent it with the option to up the fee, in worst case it can take two weeks or so for the funds to fail and be returned to you.